Belclare to Murrisk Greenway - Public Consultation - Emerging Preferred Option - February 2024
Belclare to Murrisk Greenway - Public Consultation - Emerging Preferred Option - February 2024
Closeddate_range22 Feb, 2024, 13:30 - 22 Mar, 2024, 17:00
Mayo County Council have appointed Barry Transportation to provide technical consultancy services for Option Selection, Preliminary Design and Statutory Processes for the Belclare to Murrisk Greenway. This Greenway will be delivered in accordance with the Department of Transport StrategyfortheFutureDevelopmentofNationaland Regional Greenways.
Therouteisapproximately6kminlengthwhichruns from Belclare to Murrisk and forms an integral part and extension to the Clew Bay Greenway. Not only will the Greenway be used as an enhanced tourism experience,butitwillalsobekeytounlockingaccess to active travel for people living in the area.
The overall objective of the Belclare to Murrisk Greenway is to provide a high quality, high-capacity continuous Greenway from Belclare to Murrisk. The Belclare to Murrisk Greenway form’s part of the Clew Bay Bike Trail which links Westport, Murrisk, Louisburgh, Roonagh, Clare Island, Achill Island, Mulranny, Newport and returns to Westport.
The Belclare to Murrisk Greenway is expected to improve the safety and wellbeing of all road users in the region. This will be achieved by separating vulnerableroadusersfromvehicleswithsegregated greenway infrastructure.
ThestudyareaextendsfromtheAughavaleCemetery near Belclare to the Croagh Patrick Carpark, west of MurriskVillagewithatotaldistanceofapproximately 6km. The area is largely confined by the presence of ClewBaytothenorthandCroaghPatricktothesouth. The proposed scheme will provide enhanced active travelandgreenwayfacilitiesfornon-motorisedroad users from Belclare to Murrisk. East of the scheme, theexistinggreenwayfacilitiesbetweenBelclareand Westport are of a good standard. West of Murrisk Village there is a separate scheme currently under development by the tourism department.
Following from the development of this greenway there is opportunity for new eco-tourism and active tourism businesses to capitalise on the growing market, such as the development of bike tours and walking tours. These new business opportunities may provide meaningful employment opportunities for residents of the Study Area and provide a stable and reliable income from the increased tourism trade as a result of the development of this new greenway. The extent of the study area can be seen in the figure below.
Duringtheoptionselectionprocess,twooptionswere consideredwithtenpossibleroutes.Option1involves the construction of a roadside greenway next to the R335, of which there are two sub-options, namely Option1Aand1B.Option2involvesconstructionof anelevatedgreenwaylocatedawayfromtheR335,of whichthereare8sub-options,namelyOption2A,2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G and 2H. A summary of these options is shown in the table below.
The project team is now seeking your feedback on the emerging preferred option for the scheme. Any considerations, information or constraints are welcome,andwillbeassessedbytheprojectteamin the further development of the scheme.
Any comments/information received at this stage will further inform the preliminary design for this scheme. The Project Team give significant attention to the following items:
38 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.
Do you own/rent or occupy property along or adjacent to the Emerging Preferred option?
If yes please specify the type of property?
Do you have any comments in relation to the Emerging Preferred option?
If you have any other information in relation to the Proposed Emerging Preferred Option that you want the project team to be aware of please let us know:
Belclare to Murrisk Greenway - Public Consultation - Emerging Preferred Option - February 2024
Mayo County Council have appointed Barry Transportation to provide technical consultancy services for Option Selection, Preliminary Design and Statutory Processes for the Belclare to Murrisk Greenway. This Greenway will be delivered in accordance with the Department of Transport Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways.
The route is approximately 6km in length which runs from Belclare to Murrisk and forms an integral part and extension to the Clew Bay Greenway. Not only will the Greenway be used as an enhanced tourism experience, but it will also be key to unlocking access to active travel for people living in the area.
The overall objective of the Belclare to Murrisk Greenway is to provide a high quality, high-capacity continuous Greenway from Belclare to Murrisk. The Belclare to Murrisk Greenway form’s part of the Clew Bay Bike Trail which links Westport, Murrisk, Louisburgh, Roonagh, Clare Island, Achill Island, Mulranny, Newport and returns to Westport.
The Belclare to Murrisk Greenway is expected to improve the safety and wellbeing of all road users in the region. This will be achieved by separating vulnerable road users from vehicles with segregated greenway infrastructure.
Study Area
The study area extends from the Aughavale Cemetery near Belclare to the Croagh Patrick Carpark, west of Murrisk Village with a total distance of approximately 6km. The area is largely confined by the presence of Clew Bay to the north and Croagh Patrick to the south. The proposed scheme will provide enhanced active travel and greenway facilities for non-motorised road users from Belclare to Murrisk. East of the scheme, the existing greenway facilities between Belclare and Westport are of a good standard. West of Murrisk Village there is a separate scheme currently under development by the tourism department.
Following from the development of this greenway there is opportunity for new eco-tourism and active tourism businesses to capitalise on the growing market, such as the development of bike tours and walking tours. These new business opportunities may provide meaningful employment opportunities for residents of the Study Area and provide a stable and reliable income from the increased tourism trade as a result of the development of this new greenway. The extent of the study area can be seen in the figure below.
Options Considered
Option Name
Option Description
Option 1A
Roadside Option A
Option 1B
Roadside Option B
Option 2A
Elevated Option A
Option 2B
Elevated Option B
Option 2C Preferred
Elevated Option C
Option 2D
Elevated Option D
Option 2E
Elevated Option E
Option 2F
Elevated Option F
Option 2G
Elevated Option G
Option 2H
Elevated Option H
What’s Happening Now?
The project team has developed an emerging preferred option for the route of the proposed greenway along with a proposed cross-section for the scheme. More details of the emerging preferred option can be found on
The project team is now seeking your feedback on the emerging preferred option for the scheme. Any considerations, information or constraints are welcome, and will be assessed by the project team in the further development of the scheme.
What Happens Next?
Any comments/information received at this stage will further inform the preliminary design for this scheme. The Project Team give significant attention to the following items:
Have your say!
All project information, including Project Drawings and Maps, are available to view at:
or at the in-person Public Consultation Day on 22nd February 2024.
The Project Team is available to answer any queries you may have during this public consultation period, and can be contacted at:
How to submit your feedback:
All feedback should be returned to the Project Team before Friday 22nd March 2024.
For Further Information please contact:
Mayo National Roads Office
Belclare to Murrisk Greenway Project Team:
Glenpark House | The Mall | Castlebar | County Mayo | F23 XF40
Engineering Design Consultants (Barry Transportation):
Unit 14C, N5 Business Park, Moneen Rd, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 YY39