Closeddate_range10 Mar, 2023, 09:00 - 6 Apr, 2023, 17:00
Mayo County Council invites you to attend a public consultation drop-in session on the Castlebar Draft Local Area Plan 2023-2029 and the Castlebar Local Transport Plan to take place on:
Wednesday 22nd March 2023 3.00pm – 7.30pm
In the Lough Lannagh Suite at the Lough Lannagh Leisure Complex. F23 A257
Notice of the proposal to make the Draft Castlebar Local Transport Plan
Notice is hereby given that Mayo County Council, pursuant to the Northern and Western Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) 2020-2032, has prepared a Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the town of Castlebar. This Plan will support the National Planning Framework objectives of Compact Growth and Sustainable Mobility.
The Draft Castlebar Local Transport Plan will be on public display and may be inspected from Friday 10th March 2023 to Thursday 6th April 2023 (excluding weekends and public holidays) at the following location:
Written submissions or observations in respect of the Draft LTP for Castlebar made during such period will be taken into consideration before the Plan is adopted by Mayo County Council.
Submissions or observations should be made in writing and addressed to:
Closing Date for Submissions or Observations is Thursday 6th April 2023 at 5pm.
Late Submissions will not be accepted.
Please send your submission/observation through one medium only, either in writing, or electronically through the consultation portal
In respect of making a submission or observation please note the following:
Children or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are entitled and encouraged to make submissions or observations on the Draft LTP.
Submissions/observations should include your name and address, a map (if required for identification purposes) and, where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent.
You should ensure that no vexatious, libelous or confidential information, including confidential information relating to a third party (in respect of which the third party has not, expressly, or impliedly in the circumstances, consented to its disclosure) is included in your submission. The Roads Authority reserves the right to redact any submission or part thereof that does not comply with this requirement.
In order to assist us in complying with Data Protection and GDPR please include your name and contact details (and where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent), on a separate sheet to the content of your submission/observation. This processing of your personal data is lawful under Article 6 (1)(e) of the GDPR regulations. The Council’s Data Protection Policy is available on the Council website.
Mayo County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act (as amended).
The personal information (data) collected during the consultation process (which may include the collection of sensitive personal data) is collected for the purpose of receiving and dealing with submissions and any data collected is subject to Mayo County Council’s privacy statement which can be found at
Paul Dolan,
Head of Roads
9 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.
Draft Castlebar Local Transport Plan
Mayo County Council invites you to attend a public consultation drop-in session on the Castlebar Draft Local Area Plan 2023-2029 and the Castlebar Local Transport Plan to take place on:
Wednesday 22nd March 2023 3.00pm – 7.30pm
In the Lough Lannagh Suite at the Lough Lannagh Leisure Complex. F23 A257
Notice of the proposal to make the Draft Castlebar Local Transport Plan
Notice is hereby given that Mayo County Council, pursuant to the Northern and Western Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) 2020-2032, has prepared a Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the town of Castlebar. This Plan will support the National Planning Framework objectives of Compact Growth and Sustainable Mobility.
The Draft Castlebar Local Transport Plan will be on public display and may be inspected from Friday 10th March 2023 to Thursday 6th April 2023 (excluding weekends and public holidays) at the following location:
All documents are also available to download from Mayo County Council’s website and
Written submissions or observations in respect of the Draft LTP for Castlebar made during such period will be taken into consideration before the Plan is adopted by Mayo County Council.
Submissions or observations should be made in writing and addressed to:
‘Draft Castlebar Local Transport Plan’,
Roads Office 2nd Floor,
Mayo County Council,
Aras an Chontae,
Co Mayo,
F23 WF90.
Or online by visiting
Closing Date for Submissions or Observations is Thursday 6th April 2023 at 5pm.
Late Submissions will not be accepted.
Please send your submission/observation through one medium only, either in writing, or electronically through the consultation portal
In respect of making a submission or observation please note the following:
Children or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are entitled and encouraged to make submissions or observations on the Draft LTP.
Submissions/observations should include your name and address, a map (if required for identification purposes) and, where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent.
You should ensure that no vexatious, libelous or confidential information, including confidential information relating to a third party (in respect of which the third party has not, expressly, or impliedly in the circumstances, consented to its disclosure) is included in your submission. The Roads Authority reserves the right to redact any submission or part thereof that does not comply with this requirement.
In order to assist us in complying with Data Protection and GDPR please include your name and contact details (and where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent), on a separate sheet to the content of your submission/observation. This processing of your personal data is lawful under Article 6 (1)(e) of the GDPR regulations. The Council’s Data Protection Policy is available on the Council website.
Mayo County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act (as amended).
The personal information (data) collected during the consultation process (which may include the collection of sensitive personal data) is collected for the purpose of receiving and dealing with submissions and any data collected is subject to Mayo County Council’s privacy statement which can be found at
Paul Dolan,
Head of Roads