03. Housing
Additions are shown in green text.
Deletions are shown in red text with strikrthrough
Proposed Amendment CH 3.1 |
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3.1 |
Strategic Aim |
48 |
Delete and replace Strategic Aim with below wording:
The strategic aim of this chapter is to facilitate the sustainable growth of all rural areas, towns and villages throughout the county by seeking to accommodate, as far as possible, all persons in their choices to live in our rural areas, towns and villages; by supporting and strengthening the rural economy to sustain vibrant rural communities, by promoting consolidation and compact development of all urban and rural settlements in an attractive setting that provides a suitable mix of housing with supporting amenities; and by ensuring coordinated investment in infrastructure that will support economic competitiveness and create a high quality living and working environment.
It is the strategic aim of this chapter to facilitate the progressive growth of all rural areas, towns, villages and open countryside throughout the country by seeking to accommodate all persons in their choices to live in rural areas.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.2 |
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3.2 |
Introduction |
49 |
Amend Section 3.2 by inserting the words “and open countryside” after the word villages in 3rd line as shown below:
This chapter has been guided by the above strategic aim, sustainable development goals and national strategic objectives to ensure sustainable growth of housing provision and to ensure all housing needs are appropriately accommodated in the rural areas and towns and villages and open countryside of County Mayo. The chapter has also considered the key legislative and policy documents set out in Appendix III, including the NPF and RSES for the Northern and Western region.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.3 |
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3.4.7 |
Housing Strategy Policies and Objectives |
54 |
Insert new Policy after HSP 6, wording below:
HSP: To consider the use of Modular Units for use as permanent residences, in both single and multi-unit developments, where it complies with the requirements of Section below and normal planning and environmental criteria.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.4 |
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3.4.7 |
Housing Strategy Policies and Objectives |
55 |
Amend Objective HSO 8 to read:
HSO 8: To support the ongoing monitoring and review of the HNDA, in accordance with theforthcoming guidance on HNDA methodology to be issued by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, and Heritage. This will include monitoring and maintenance of a record of residential development permitted as single rural houses.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.5 |
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Modular Homes |
55 |
Create a new Section Modular Homes and insert following text Modular Homes as shown below:
The use of modular units as permanent residences, in both single and multi-unit developments, will be given consideration on a case-by-case basis. It must be demonstrated that the units will provide a high quality, sustainable construction with a lifetime similar to concrete construction (minimum 60 years). The external finishes of the units must be in keeping with the local vernacular finishes, and in this regard the units must therefore have an external plaster finish and normal (conventional) roof slates. The units must comply with all other standards pertaining to residential developments.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.6 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Single Housing |
55 |
Amend Section 3.4.8 by:
Deleting the word “unsustainable” in the fourth line.
Deleting the sentence beginning with “These urban” on 7th line and finishing with the word “directory” on 3rd last line in paragraph.
Delete the words “and existing rural settlement patterns” on 3rd last line and replace with “where greater than 30 inhabited units per square kilometre”.
Add the following to the end of 3.4.8” Note: Rural Villages located in areas under urban pressure are to be excluded from the above restrictions for a radial distance of 500 metres from village centres.” As shown below:
It is recognised that there is a continuing need for housing provision for people to live and work in rural Mayo to sustain vibrant rural communities. The NPF states that it will continue to be necessary to demonstrate a functional economic or social requirement for housing need in areas under unsustainable urban influence. Elsewhere, the NPF states that single houses in the countryside will be facilitated based primarily on siting and design criteria. The Plan makes a distinction between ‘Rural Areas under Strong Urban Influence’ and ‘Remaining Rural Areas. Map 3.1 delineates the ‘Rural Areas under Strong Urban Influence’ for Tier I and Tier II towns of the Settlement Hierarchy. These urban pressure areas were informed by examining a range of factors, including commuter zones, travel times, existing pressure areas, density per square km and existing rural settlement patterns (Geodirectory). The factors of density per square km and existing rural settlement patterns where greater than 30 inhabited units per square kilometre were considered the most appropriate indicators to establish ‘Rural Areas under Strong Urban Influence’ and ‘Remaining Rural Areas’.
Note: Rural Villages located in areas under urban pressure are to be excluded from the above restrictions for a radial distance of 500 metres from village centres.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.7 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Single Housing |
55 |
Amend Section 3.4.8 by inserting the words “It is recognised that new dwellings in these areas make a contribution to the vitality and viability of the local rural and urban communities” after the viability. Delete final sentence starting with the word “planning” as shown below:
Category 1 - Rural Areas under Strong Urban Influence: These areas include the open rural countryside around the Tier I (Key Towns and Strategic Growth Towns) and Tier II (Self-Sustaining Growth Towns) towns. They have been designated to support the sustainable growth of the urban areas, to provide for the immediate, local rural community who have a genuine housing requirement, while directing urban generated housing into designated settlements, maintaining their vitality and viability. It is recognised that new dwellings in these areas make a contribution to the vitality and viability of the local rural and urban communities. Planning applications for single dwellings in these areas must have a demonstrable economic or social need to live in these areas and should be accompanied by supporting documentation.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.8 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Single Housing |
55 |
Amend Section 3.4.8 by:
Replace word “facilitate” with “encourage” on 4th last line of paragraph.
Replace word “retaining” with “increasing” in second last line in paragraph, as shown below:
Category 2 - Remaining Rural Areas: These areas comprise of all other rural areas outside of the identified pressure areas under strong urban influence. It is recognised that sustaining smaller community areas is important and as such, it is considered appropriate to facilitate encourage rural housing in accordance with the principles of proper planning and sustainable development. In these areas, the Council recognises the importance of retaining increasing population and supporting the rural economy, while seeking to consolidate the existing rural town and village network.
The sensitive reuse, refurbishment and replacement of existing rural dwellings is also recognised as a vital element in maintaining the vibrancy of the countryside.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.8 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Single Housing |
55 |
Amend Map 3.1 – Rural Areas under Strong Urban Influence & Scenic Route & Views by:
- Delete all Scenic Roads listed in green on Map 3.1 of CE Report and replace with Scenic Locations
- Exclude all areas north and east of Bellavary and all areas south and east of Belcarra from Rural Area Under Strong Urban Influence.
Map 3.1 as per the CE Report above
Map 3.1 as per the Proposed Material Amendments above
Proposed Amendment CH 3.9 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Housing Policies |
57 |
Delete RHP 2 and replace with:
RHP 2 To support a balanced approach to the development of rural areas to retain vibrancy, to accommodate within the rural area people who are functionally or socially part of the rural community, and to direct urban generated housing demand into established rural settlements.
RHP 2 To support the development of all rural areas to regain sustainability and vibrancy and to reverse the significant rural population decline since 1951.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.10 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Housing Policies |
57 |
Delete the word “and” and replace with comma in the 2nd last line and add the words “and open countryside” after the word ”villages”.
Full stop after considerations, delete remainder of paragraph as shown below.
RHP 3 To endeavour to accommodate the housing needs of the population, as projected in the Core Strategy, while at all times seeking to facilitate, as far as possible, all persons in their choices to live in our rural areas, towns and , villages and open countryside , subject to normal planning considerations. and carrying capacity of natural resources.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.11 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Housing Policies |
58 |
Amend RHP by adding a full stop after considerations in second line, delete remainder of paragraph as shown below:
RHP 7 To consider replacement dwellings or development of other structures to habitable homes in all rural areas, subject to normal planning considerations. such as availability of services, adequacy of ground conditions for disposal of effluent from the development, traffic safety, residential amenity, visual amenity etc. Where it is proposed to replace a dwelling, the replacement dwelling may require to be located on the footprint of the existing structure and the scale and character of the existing building may require replication or be of similar scale and design, depending on the location of the development (e.g. sensitive or vulnerable locations such as coastal, the shorelines of large lakes or upland areas).
Proposed Amendment CH 3.12 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Housing Objectives |
58 |
Amend RHO 1 as shown below:
RHO 1 To facilitate single houses in the open countryside, however in Rural Areas under Urban Influence, applicants will be required to demonstrate a social or economic link to the rural area in which they want to build.
An economic need would include applicants who are functionally dependent on the local rural area for employment, where they seek to build their first home i.e. employment is rural based.
A social need would include applicants who have long standing local intrinsic links to the rural area, where they seek to build their first home i.e. growing up in the area, educated in the area and continue to have strong social links to the rural area.
Note: An occupancy clause will be attached to any grant of planning permission.
RHO 1 To facilitate single houses in the countryside. However in Rural Areas under Urban Influence applicants will be required to demonstrate a social or economic link to the area in which they wish to build. An economic need would include applicants having a genuine housing need and whose future or current employment is in close proximity to the primary residence they propose to build. Local rural area includes, but is not limited to Parish, District Electoral Division and Townlands. A genuine housing need includes, but is not limited to:
- Farmers, their sons and daughters, close relations or any persons taking over the running of a farm in the area in which they propose to live.
- Sons, daughters or other relations of none farming persons who have spent a period of their lives living in the general rural area in which they propose to build a home.
- Returning immigrants who spent a period of their lives living in the rural area in which propose to build and now wish to return to reside close or convenient to family members or guardians to care for or support them or work locally or to retire.
- Persons involved in farming activity including equine enterprise, health related occupations, persons employed locally in education or security positions, persons employed or intending to take up employment in any other local Service or Enterprise.
- Persons whose health circumstances require them to live in a particular environment or close to family support. Applicants qualifying under this category of housing need are required to demonstrate by way of medical decentration why this is preferable.
- Where permission has been granted for a rural housing proposal in an area deemed to be under urban pressure an occupancy condition may be imposed by agreement with the applicant under section 47 of the Planning and Development act 2000.
An occupancy clause shall not be applied to any successful application outside of areas deemed to be under urban pressure.
The Residency Condition shall not affect the sale of the house or site by a mortgagee in possession or by any person deriving title from such a sale where force majeure applies, for example, death, illness, relationship break up, emigration, unemployment, relocation due to work issues which would necessitate a new primary place of residence.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.13 |
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3.4.12 |
Town and Village Housing Policies |
61-62 |
Amend TVHP 3 as below:
TVHP 3 To encourage and foster the creation of attractive, mixed use, sustainable communities that include a suitable mix of housing types including larger detached units, and tenure with supporting facilities, amenities and services that meet the needs of the community and are in accordance with the principles of universal design, life-long adaptability, energy efficiency and urban greening, in as far as practicable.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.14 |
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3.4.8 |
Rural Housing Objectives |
60 |
Insert new objective after RHO 11:
RHO: Mayo County Council supports and encourages multi-generational housing, and the adaption of existing housing to facilitate multi-generational living, whereby a family member of an older or younger generation (or both) can be facilitated with the provision of additional accommodation onto an existing dwelling, the adaption of the existing accommodation, or at construction, the facilitation of the need for multigenerational living.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.15 |
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3.4.12 |
Town and Village Housing Objectives |
63 |
Include new objective after Objective TVHO 11 to read as follows:
TVHO: To review the car parking standards (Table 7 of Section 7.12.1 Vol. II) over the lifetime of the plan to include maximum parking standards. In the interim period, a reduction of parking standard requirements will be considered for urban infill and brownfield locations, subject to the individual merits of each development proposals, with respect to performance-based criteria, in accordance with the provisions of NPO 13.
Proposed Amendment CH 3.16 |
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3.4.12 |
Town and Village Housing Objectives |
63 |
Include new objective after Objective TVHO 11 to read as follows:
TVHO: Mayo County Council supports and encourages multi-generational housing, and the adaption of existing housing to facilitate multi-generational living, whereby a family member of an older or younger generation (or both) can be facilitated with the provision of additional accommodation onto an existing dwelling, the adaption of the existing accommodation, or at construction, the facilitation of the need for multigenerational living.