04. Economic Development
Additions are shown in green text.
Deletions are shown in red text with strikrthrough
Proposed Amendment CH 4.1 |
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4.3 |
National and Regional Position |
66 |
Amend the first paragraph in Section 4.3 (National and Regional Position) of Chapter 4 (Economic Development) to read as follows:
The NPF and the RSES also recognise the important economic role of urban settlements at a county and regional level, and rural settlements at a local level, whilst identifying the need to strengthen rural economies and communities by broadening the employment base of rural areas, improving
connectivity and addressing infrastructural deficits. In terms of job creation in urban areas, the overarching guidance provided in the NPF is that job creation should follow population increase at a ratio of 0. 66:1 (NPO 1c).
Proposed Amendment CH 4.2 |
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4.4.5 |
Economic Development Objectives |
70 |
Amend objective EDO 21 as follows:
EDO 21 To encourage and facilitate small indigenous industries, at appropriate locations with good communication infrastructure, in recognition of their increasing importance in providing local employment and helping to stimulate economic activity within small communities.
Proposed Amendment CH 4.3 |
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4.4.5 |
Economic Development Objectives |
70 |
Amend objective EDO 22 as follows:
EDO 22 To support the use of town centre core and other suitable locations for new service focused enterprises.
Proposed Amendment CH 4.4 |
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4.4.6 |
Retail Objectives |
74 |
Amend objective EDO 38 as follows:
To prepare an economic growth strategy for Ballina and its supporting catchment
To seek to support the implementation of the recommendations of the Ballina/North Mayo Growth Cluster Study to advance the economic development of North Mayo.
Proposed Amendment CH 4.5 |
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4.4.6 |
Retail Objectives |
74 |
Amend Objective EDO 41 to read as follows:
EDO 41: To implement/review the Mayo County Retail Strategy in accordance with the Retail Planning Guidelines 2021, as amended or superseded, within 3 no. years of the final adoption of the Mayo County Development Plan.
Proposed Amendment CH 4.6 |
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4.4.6 |
Retail Objectives |
74 |
Include the following additional objectives to Section 4.4.6 (Retail) of Chapter 4 (Economic Development) after objective EDO 47 to read as follows:
EDO: To support retail in town and village centres through the sequential approach, as provided within the Retail Guidelines, and to encourage appropriate development formats within the town and village centres.
EDO: To encourage new (and expanding) retail developments to locate close to public transport corridors, to enable sustainable travel to and from our Town and Village Centres, where applicable.
EDO: To adopt a presumption in favour of the reuse, and restoration of town centre buildings for use as retail space, subject to satisfying other planning criteria and standards.
Proposed Amendment CH 4.7 |
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4.4.8 |
Rural Economy |
77 |
Amend Section 4.4.8, Chapter 4 to include the following:
In addition to the natural resources and food sector as traditional pillars of the rural economy, improved connectivity facilitating home working and digital hubs, broadband and rural economic development opportunities offer the potential to ensure our rural area remains and strengthens as a living and working community. Local Development Companies are important collaborators with Mayo County Council on rural economic development through their work with the LEADER Rural Development Programme and other rural based programmes.
Proposed Amendment CH 4.8 |
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4.4.10 |
Extractive Industries |
80 |
Amend the text in Section 4.4.10 of the draft plan as follows:
The Planning Authority will have regard to the Department of the Environment’s Guidelines for Planning Authorities for Quarries and Ancillary Activities 2004 (and any updated editions) and to the GSI’s Geological Heritage Guidelines for Extractive Industries, when assessing applications relating to the extraction industry in the county.
Proposed Amendment CH 4.9 |
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4.4.10 |
Extractive Industries |
81 |
Amend EDO 60 as follows:
Have regard to the Quarry and Ancillary Activities Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities DoEHLG (April 2004) and to the GSI’s Geological Heritage Guidelines for Extractive Industries, or any new or subsequent quarry guidance.