09. Built Environment

Closed29 Mar, 2022, 00:00 - 26 Apr, 2022, 16:00


Additions are shown in green text.

Deletions are shown in red text with strikrthrough


Proposed Amendment CH 9.1



Page no.

Archaeological Heritage Objectives


Insert new objective after BEO 6 as follows:

BEO: To promote awareness and the appropriate adaptation of Ireland’s built and archaeological heritage to deal with the effects of climate change with reference to the Built and Archaeological Heritage Climate Change and Adaptation Plan.

Proposed Amendment CH 9.2



Page no.

Architectural Heritage Objectives


Insert new objective after BEO 11 to read as follows:

BEO: To protect the built heritage of Ballina, Castlebar and Westport, including the protected structures listed in the existing town and environs development plans, and seek to review the Record of Protected Structures for County Mayo to incorporate protected structures from the plan areas of these towns.

Proposed Amendment CH 9.3



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Regeneration Objectives


Amend objective BEO 35 to read as follows:

BEO 35: To use specific powers, such as the Vacant Sites register to address issues of vacancy and underutilisation of strategic lands in town centres locations and within the built-up footprints of Tier I to V towns and villages, including the implementation of the Vacant Sites Levy in accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015. Each year of the plan period, the planning authority will assess the county’s settlements for the purposes of identifying vacant sites for addition to the Vacant Site’s Register and accordingly implement the statutory provisions for same.

Proposed Amendment CH 9.4



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Regeneration Objectives


Amend objective BEO 36 to read as follows:

BEO 36: To establish a database of strategic brownfield and infill sites within two years of the adoption of the Mayo County Development Plan, to ensure brownfield land re-use can be managed and co-ordinated across multiple stakeholders, as part of an active land management process, and to monitor the brownfield housing targets urban and rural areas, as set out in Objectives CS0 5 and CS0 6.

Proposed Amendment CH 9.5



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Regeneration Objectives


Insert new objective after BEO 37 to read as follows:

BEO: To facilitate appropriate densities and compact growth within urban settlements, the Planning Authority will consider a relaxation of relevant the development management guidelines to assist the delivery of appropriate uses on urban brownfield and infill sites, based on the individual merits of each development proposal, with due cognisant to NPO 13.