11. Climate Action & Renewable Energy

Closed29 Mar, 2022, 00:00 - 26 Apr, 2022, 16:00


Additions are shown in green text.

Deletions are shown in red text with strikrthrough

Proposed Amendment CH 11.1



Page no.

Climate Action Objectives


Insert a new climate action objective after CAO 7 to read as follows:

CAO: To support and facilitate Westport to become Ireland's first '15 Minute Town' - a sustainable town where a modal shift towards sustainable transport is actively promoted and facilitated.

Proposed Amendment CH 11.2



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Mayo Renewable Energy Strategy


Amend text in Section 11.7.5 as show below:

The Mayo Renewable Energy Strategy (RES) 2011-2020 outlines the potential for County Mayo and how it can capitalise on a range of renewable resources, including onshore and offshore wind, wave and tidal energy, solar and other renewable energy forms. The RES acknowledges the significant contribution renewables can make to County Mayo, by providing more secure energy, reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels, enabling future energy export and meeting energy targets. The strategy also identifies areas most suitable for renewable energy developments in a tier system. Mayo County Council will commence the review and update the Mayo Renewable Energy Strategy over the lifetime of the development plan. within one year of adopting this plan.

Proposed Amendment CH 11.3



                  Page no.             


Wind Energy


Amend 3rd paragraph on page 213 as follows:

Mayo County Council recognises that community ownership of wind energy projects enables local communities to benefit directly from local wind energy resources being developed in their local areas, ensuring long-term income for rural communities. The Killala Community wWind fFarm project in North Mayo involves a direct community investment in partnership with a private development company. The Killala Community Wind Farm, comprising of five turbines, generates 17MW of renewable power. The Council encourages community ownership of wind energy projects in Mayo.

Proposed Amendment CH 11.4



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Renewable Energy Policies


Amend REP 5 as follows:

REP 5: To promote the use of efficient energy storage systems and infrastructure that supports energy efficiency and reusable renewable energy system optimization, subject to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area and consideration of environmental and ecological sensitivities.

Proposed Amendment CH 11.5



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Renewable Energy Policies


Amend REO 7 as follows:

REO 7: To review/amend the Mayo County Renewable Energy Strategy 2011-2022 within one year of plan adoption in accordance with future legislative guidelines and consistency with the provisions of RPO 4.16 and RPO 5.2(b) of the RSES, 2020-2032.

Proposed Amendment CH 11.



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Renewable Energy Objectives


Amend REO 7 as shown below:

REO 7 To commence the review/amend of the Mayo County Renewable Energy Strategy 2011-2022 within one year of adopting this plan and update as required in accordance with future legislative guidelines.

Proposed Amendment CH 11.6



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Renewable Energy Objectives


Amend REO 8 as follows:

REO 8: To encourage the development of wind energy, in accordance with Government policy, and having regard to the Landscape Appraisal of County Mayo and the Wind Energy Development Guidelines (2006) and Mayo Renewable Energy Strategy, or any revisions thereof or future guidelines., and ensure consistency with the provisions of RPO 4.16 and RPO 5.2(b) of the RSES (2020-2032).

Proposed Amendment CH 11.7



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Renewable Energy Objectives


Amend REO 12 as follows:

REO 12: To support offshore and tidal renewable energy developments subject to environmental considerations and the protection of commercial fishing and of the amenities of the surrounding areas in accordance with the OPEDP, subject to proper planning andnenvironmental considerations.

Proposed Amendment CH 11.8



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Renewable Energy Objectives


Amend REO 22 as follows:

To promote the use of efficient energy storage systems and infrastructure that supports energy efficiency and reusable renewable energy system optimisation, in accordance with proper planning and sustainable development.

Proposed Amendment CH 11.9



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Renewable Energy Objectives


Include new objective after REO 22 to read as follows:

REO: To support and facilitate the achievement of the minimum renewable energy target of 600MW for County Mayo over the plan, and to review/revise this target to ensure consistency with any future renewable energy strategies for the Northern and Western Region.

CH 11.2, 11.5 & 11.6, Sections 11.7.5 & 11.7.12, Mayo Renewable Energy Strategy (pg.212 & 216)
SSE welcomes these amendments. It is essential to inject an urgency into our efforts to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and transition to low carbon alternatives. Prioritising a review and update...
CH 11.9, Section 11.7.12, Renewable Energy Objectives (pg.217)
SSE welcomes this amendment. Mayo’s wind energy potential is well documented as a key strength in regional and local development strategies. SSE strongly welcomes the increase of this target from the...
Wind Energy Ireland's positions on the Draft County Development Plan
Please see the attached PDF for our submission. Best, Denis Devane
ESB Submission included in attachment.
Please see attached. 
FuturEnergy Ireland
Please see attached letter.