Volume 2: Development Management Standards
Additions are shown in green text.
Deletions are shown in red text with strikrthrough
Proposed Amendment DMS. 1 |
Section |
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4.4 |
Density |
19 |
Amend Table 2 as follows:
Maximum |
Location |
Density |
Dwelling Units Ha (Acre) |
Town Centre / Immediately adjacent to Town Centre |
Medium to High |
35 (14) |
Inner Urban Suburbs, outside of Town Centre |
Low to Medium |
20 (8) |
Urban Periphery, Rural Settlements |
Low |
5 (2) |
Proposed Amendment DMS. 2 |
Section |
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Page no. |
7.4 |
Access onto other Non-National Roads |
35 |
Amend Sections 7.4 to read as follows:
Road infrastructure shall allow for safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Access points shall be kept to a minimum and shall provide safe ingress/egress for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Access onto Urban Roads to comply with Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) 2013 (as amended).
Proposed Amendment DMS. 3 |
Section |
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7.6 |
Accessibility Visibility Requirements |
36-37 |
Amend Table 4 as follows:
Access Visibility Requirements |
Road Type |
Speed Limit (Kph) |
(Metres) |
(Metres) |
(Metres) |
Urban Roads |
30 |
2.4 |
50 |
2.4 |
60 |
2.4 |
Proposed Amendment DMS. 4 |
Section |
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7.12.1 |
Electronic Vehicle Charging Points |
44 |
Amend Section 7.12.1 as follows:
A minimum of 10% of the proposed car parking spaces required for the category of development listed in car parking standards below shall be provided with electrical connection points, to allow for functional electric vehicle charging. The remaining car parking spaces shall be fitted with ducting for electrical connection points to allow for the future fit out of charging points. at up to 20% of car parking spaces.
Proposed Amendment DMS. 5 |
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8.7 |
Lighting and Illuminations |
58 |
Attach additional bullet point and the link onto Section 8.7 of DM Standards as follows:
The following good practice should be considered for all development proposals to:
• adequately light the area or object without using more light then necessary
• provide safety for all users, whether motorists, services, pedestrians or cyclists
• eliminate or minimise glare and excessive lighting
• prevent light trespass
• minimise sky glow
• flexibility in the choice of light fixtures to allow for aesthetic considerations
• use of energy efficiency
• Shall be sensitive to protected species, where applicable 58
• signage should be lit in a downward direction to avoid upward direct lights.
- For Guidance in relation to lighting visit: https://www.darksky.ie/wpcontent/uploads/2020/04/BestPracticesInPublicLighting
Proposed Amendment DMS. 6 |
Section |
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Page no. |
12.1 |
Landscape Designations |
184 |
Amend the title of Section 12.1 of the Development Management Standards as follows:
12.1 Landscape Designations to Natural Heritage Designations and Biodiversity.
Proposed Amendment DMS. 7 |
Section |
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12.1 |
Landscape Designations |
184 |
Amend the existing list of ecologically sensitive sites in Section 12.1 of the Development Management Standards as follows:
• Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas (including candidate areas).
• Ramsar Sites. • Salmonid Waters and Freshwater Pearl Mussel catchments.
• Green infrastructure including features of the landscape that provide linkages / connectivity to
designated sites (e.g. watercourses, areas of seminatural habitat such as linear woodlands, etc.).
• Proposed Natural Heritage Areas; and
• Areas likely to contain a habitat listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive
• Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) (including candidate areas).
• Wetlands of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention.
• Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) and proposed Natural Heritage Areas (pNHAs).
• Annex IV (Habitats Directive) species of flora and fauna, and their key habitats (i.e. breeding sites and resting places), which are strictly protected herever they occur, whether inside or outside the above sites, e.g. otter and bats.
• Areas likely to contain a habitat listed in Annex I or Annex II species and their habitats of the Habitats Directive.
• Other species of flora and fauna and their key habitats which are protected under the Wildlife Acts, 1976-2018, wherever they occur, including species protected under the Flora Protection Order. Birds Directive – Annex I bird species and other regularly occurring migratory species, and their habitats (wherever they occur).
• Salmonid Waters and Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera) sensitive catchments.
• Green infrastructure including features of the landscape that provide linkages / connectivity to designated sites (e.g. watercourses, areas of semi-natural habitat such as linear woodlands, etc.). These are features of the landscape which are "stepping stones" and are ecological corridors, as referenced in Article 10 of the Habitats Directive.
• Areas that are recognised as locally important for biodiversity or nature (e.g. in County Biodiversity and/or Development Plans, semi-natural habitats including wetlands and woodlands).