N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1

Closed29 Sep, 2022, 14:00 - 21 Oct, 2022, 17:00


Mayo County Council in association with Transport Infrastructure Ireland are progressing the development of the N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 scheme, which will provide a link, south west of Ballina town centre, between the N26 Foxford /Dublin Road and the N59 Crossmolina Road  to aid with removal of traffic from the town centre / Font junction.

The objectives of the National Development Plan 2021-2030 (NDP) includes enhanced regional accessibility through improvement of transport links between key urban centres of population and their respective regions, as well as improvement of transport links between the regions themselves. 

Where we are

Mayo County Council has appointed Roughan O’Donovan-Aecom Alliance as technical advisor to assist in progressing the scheme through the Planning and Design phases. 

The project is currently at Phase 2: Stage 2 (Options Selection) of the TII Project Management Guidelines.  Stage 1 of the options selection process commenced with the establishment of the Study Area for the scheme, initial identification of constraints within the Study Area and the development of initial options.  Six initial options were developed following on from the Constraints Study.  All of these options were assessed under three criteria, Engineering, Environment and Economy. 

In order to develop the option design, preliminary ground level information within the study area was used to generate a preliminary 3-dimensional digital terrain model.  Comparative cost estimates were developed for each option.  Environmental specialists were engaged to provide a preliminary assessment of the options, and provide guidance as to the preference of the options.

We have now shortlisted four options for the proposed scheme.  The shortlisted options will be carried forward to Phase 2: Stage 2 (Project Appraisal Matrix) and assessed in greater detail in the coming months.  The option corridors displayed in the drawings are typically 200m wide and do not represent the actual width of the scheme, nor the lands to be acquired for the scheme.  They indicate the lands within which a scheme may be built, and where we will carry out studies, walkover surveys and design work in the next phase of the project.  It should be noted that the boundary of an option corridor may be subject to change as the project develops to address any previously unidentified or new constraints emerging during the design process. 

Active Travel

An objective of the NDP includes investment in high-quality sustainable mobility to improve citizens’ quality of life and support the transition to a low carbon society and enhance economic competitiveness. The provision of pedestrian and cycleway facilities are proposed as part of the N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 project and will serve to provide improved accessibility, connectivity and permeability in the Ballina area.             

 Active Travel can help:

  • Boost tourism,
  • Support local businesses,
  • Improve air quality,
  • Improve our health,
  • Save people money,
  • Reduce Congestion.         

What happens next?

Further and more detailed environmental studies will be carried out including walkover surveys and ground investigation over the next months. These studies will be used to progress the Scheme through the Option Selection Phase which involves the options being developed, appraised and evaluated under the following criteria;

Economy—Environment—Safety– Accessibility & Social Inclusion– Integration– Physical Activity

The ultimate goal of this process is to identify the option that best addresses the scheme  objectives.

A further Public Consultation will be held, communicating the preliminary findings of the Stage 2 (Project Appraisal Matrix) and presenting the Preferred Option as outlined in the programme below. 

Following the Option Selection Phase, the scheme will then be  progressed through Preliminary Design, Environmental Impact  Assessment, CPO, Planning and the Statutory Processes, subject to the availability of funding.



Further  Information

E-Mail:   info@regdesign.com

Post:     N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 Team, National Roads Office, Mayo County Council, Glenpark House, The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 XF40

Phone:  (094) 9064321                                               

 Please submit your answers and any other feedback by 21st October 2022. 





1 submission has raised observations relating to this consultation.


Q0. Please provide contact details (Name/ Address/ E-mail/ Telephone no.)
Q1. Please provide address and details of any property you own or rent adjacent to or within Option Corridors (Farm/Residential/Commercial/Other)
Q2. Do you think the ‘N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1’ is necessary? ((Y/N) Please provide reason for answer)
Q3. How often do you walk or cycle?
Q4. What is the main purpose of trips undertaken by walking and/or cycling? (Commute/School/Leisure/Other)
Q.5. In your opinion in relation to alleviation of traffic congestion from Ballina town how important are the following?
Q6. Please indicate your preference on the Option Corridors A to D
Q7. Please provide any other comments you wish to make regarding the proposed road scheme