N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 - Preferred Option Corridor

Closed26 Apr, 2023, 14:00 - 12 May, 2023, 18:00

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Project Overview

Mayo County Council in association with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) is progressing the development of a scheme to link the N26 Foxford/Dublin road, south of Ballina town, with the N59 Crossmolina road between the townlands of Behybaun and Gurteens.

Roughan O’Donovan - Aecom Alliance (ROD-A) have been appointed by Mayo County Council to assist in the progression of the scheme development through Phases 2 to 4 of the TII Project Management Guidelines (PMGs).

The Phase 2 Option Selection process comprises the identification of a Study Area and constraints within the Study Area, consideration and assessment of various alternatives/options to facilitate the identification of a Preferred Option.

Preferred Option

The Preferred Option Corridor is approximately 2.3 km in length and commences north of the entrance to Hollister on the N26 in the townland of Behybaun. It proceeds in a westerly direction to cross the Ballina/Manulla railway line passing through the townland of Creggaun and then turns northwards to cross the L1122-0 and L5113-0 local roads and passes through the townlands of Commons, Knocklehaugh and Gurteens where it ties into the existing N59 approximately 300m south of the Top Oil Service station. 

The Preferred Option Corridor includes  at grade T-Junctions in the area of Knocklehaugh and Commons townlands.  The development of preliminary design will help inform side road junction arrangement. The Southern and Northern tie in junction types have yet to be decided and will either be a roundabout or traffic signal-controlled junction.  The road cross section detail will be developed further at Phase 3 Preliminary Design and  includes segregated active travel facilities (shared footway/cycleway) as indicated below.

Why is the Improvement required?

Provision of a bypass to south-west of Ballina town will aid with removal of traffic congestion within Ballina town centre, particularly at Font junction.  By reducing traffic volumes and congestion, air quality will be improved, and noise pollution reduced which will improve the environment in the urban realm for all road users.  In addition those travelling between the south and west of Ballina will see their journey times improved. 

The preferred Option Corridor will have a limited number of direct accesses onto the mainline (national road) which limits the number of potential conflict points to provide safe road infrastructure for all.  The bypass will particularly aid vulnerable road users with provision of designated walking and cycling facilities on both sides of the proposed bypass.

Current Project Phase

Phase 2 Stage 2 of the Option Selection process commenced in September 2022 after shortlisting of options identified in Phase 2 Stage 1. The Preferred Option (Option D) has now been identified from the shortlisted options using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) under 6 criteria Economy, Safety, Environment, Accessibility & Social Inclusion, Integration and Physical Activity. 

What happens next?

Following on from this Public Consultation, the feedback received will be considered by the Project Team.  This may lead to amendments of the Preferred Option Corridor before a Preferred Option is finalised at Phase 2 Stage 3.  This stage also involves the finalisation and publication of the Option Selection Report.

After a Preferred Option is finalised the next Phase (Phase 3 Design and Environmental Evaluation) of the planning and design process can commence (subject to relevant approvals), which will include developing the design of the Preferred Option, identifying landtake required, progressing junction and access designs and undertaking an environmental evaluation of the design to progress the project through the statutory planning process. 

As part of this phase, engagement with landowners and interested parties will be undertaken as part of the ongoing design process. 


Further  Information

E-Mail:   info@regdesign.com

Post:     N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 Team, National Roads Office, Mayo County Council, Glenpark House, The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 XF40

Phone:  (094) 9064321                                               

 Please submit your answers and any other feedback by 12th May 2023. 





Q0. Please provide contact details (Name/ Address/ E-mail/ Telephone no.)
Q1. Do you own property/land on or adjacent to the Preferred Option Corridor? (Yes/No)
Q2. What is use of your property/land? (Agricultural/Residential/Commercial)
Q3. What is your water source? (Group Water Scheme/Public Supply/Private Well-Shallow/Private Well-Bored)
Q4. Please provide any other comments you may wish to make regarding the Preferred Option Corridor