Movement & Transport

Closed31 Mar, 2021, 9:00am - 14 May, 2021, 5:00pm

Co-ordination of transport and land use planning plays a pivotal role in the sustainable development of the local economy. Where and how we build our residential and work environments and supporting transport infrastructure including roads, footpaths, cycle ways, buses and rail infrastructure, is fundamental for sustainable communities, climate action and quality of life considerations. It is essential that the new Local Area Plan will promote a more efficient strategic transport system integrated with appropriate use of land to support the sustainable economic, social and physical development of Ballina as an attractive location for enterprise, investment and a place to live, work and visit.

Questions to Consider:

Q. How can the Local Area Plan help to improve and promote sustainable forms of transport in Ballina?

Q. Are there areas where new or improved footpaths, cycle ways, parking, roadways and links to public transport services should be provided?

Q. What measures can be included in the LAP to make the town more accessible for older people and people with disabilities?

Q. How can greater emphasis be put on emerging technology solutions, e.g. electric vehicles?

Zebra Corssing, Tactile Paving and Issues With Mini Roundabout
The Pedestrian crossings are not to a satisfactory standard and is a hazard to pedestrians and motorists alike. Zebra crossings are required as marked in the image below as these are high...
Glebe Residents
See attached submission from the Glebe Residents Association.
East Mayo Greenway
National Greenway Network
Sustainable transport in Ballina
Ballina has reasonably good connectivity with the National rail network, and has good connects via bus to Dublin and Galway. There is room for improvement including early morning service to...
Safety for cyclists and walkers and improved circulation of traffic on the road network
Q. How can the Local Area Plan help to improve and promote sustainable forms of transport in Ballina?   Moy Valley Resources notes the submission by Rachel Nolan on cycling and would add...