Local Enhancement Programme 2025 - Applications under Capital Funding

Closed6 Jan, 2025, 09:00 - 10 Feb, 2025, 09:00

Local Enhancement Programme 2025

Department of Rural and Community Development

The Local Enhancement Programme 2025 (LEP) is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development. Please see the following link for a press release on the launch of the LEP at national level by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and the Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD: Press Release

The Department of Rural and Community Development’s Local Enhancement Programme (LEP) 2025 will provide capital supports essential for the many small community groups and organisations, particularly those who serve disadvantaged communities, in rural and urban areas.

There will be a particular focus on small capital works/improvements, and the purchase of equipment for community use. The funding may be used, but is not limited to; improved access for persons with a disability; enhancing community participation for disadvantaged and marginalised groups, and improving energy efficiency of community facilities to reduce ongoing costs.

Groups will be able to use the capital element of funding to carry out necessary repairs and improvements to their facilities, or to purchase equipment for example tables and chairs, tools and signage, laptops and printers, lawnmowers, canopies and training equipment etc.

The scheme is designed to ensure local priorities are identified and met, so as to improve and enhance community facilities for all. It is administered by Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in each Local Authority area

Applications should relate to one or more key priority areas identified in the LCDC’s Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) in order to be eligible for consideration.


  1. The Local Enhancement Programme will support groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas, to carry out necessary repairs and improvements to their facilities and purchase equipment. 

  1. This is a capital funding scheme. The scheme does not provide funding for the pay or employment of staff, or towards current ‘operating’ costs such as utility bills, etc. 

  1. The activity or project must benefit the local community and relate to the key priority areas identified in the LECP. 

  1. The information supplied by the applicant group /organisation must be accurate and complete. 

  1. Inaccurate or incomplete information may lead to disqualification and/or the repayment of any grant made. 

  1. Any expenditure incurred before a letter of offer is issued from Mayo LCDC will be deemed ineligible  

  1. All information provided in respect of the application for a grant will be held electronically. The Department reserves the right to publish a list of all grants awarded on its website. 

  1. The Freedom of Information Act applies to all records held by the Department and Local Authorities, including applications received and any additional correspondence related to the application. 

  1. The application must be signed by the Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer of the organisation making the submission. Applications will only be accepted through the online portal. 

  1. Applicants should be aware that an equity/fairness approach will be taken by the LCDC to ensure an even distribution of funding and a maximum of one project per group will be considered for funding by the LCDC. 

  1. It is the responsibility of each organisation to ensure that it has proper procedures and policies in place, including appropriate insurance, and landowner/property owner consent where relevant. 

  1. Evidence of expenditure, receipts /invoices must be retained and provided to the LCDC, the Department of Rural and Community Development, the relevant local authority or any agent acting on their behalf. 

  1. Grant monies must be expended and drawn down from the LCDC by 31st October 2025. Photographic evidence will be required to facilitate draw down of grants. 

  1. The Department of Rural and Community Development’s contribution must be publicly acknowledged in all materials associated with the purpose of the grant, including signage. 

  1. Generally, no third party or intermediary applications will be considered. 

  1. Late applications will not be considered. 

  1. Breaches of the terms and conditions of the grants scheme may result in sanctions including disbarment from future grant applications.

  2. Grantees will be required to comply with the highest standard of transparency and accountability as documented in Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Circular 13/2014 - Management of and Accountability for Grants from Exchequer Funds http://circulars.gov.ie/pdf/circular/per/2014/13.pdf.​​​​​The overall principle is that there should be transparency and accountability in the management of public funds, in line with economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The circular outlines, for example, that grant recipients should not dispose of publically funded assets without prior approval.

  3. Please ensure the application form is completed in full. This includes providing all supporting documentation requested. Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. 
  4. In order to process your application it may be necessary for Mayo County Council to collect personal data from you. Such information will be processed in line with the Local Authority’s privacy statement which is available to view on www.mayo.ie

  5. In order to drawdown any grant awarded all invoices and receipts/other proof of payment provided must be in the full name of the applicant organisation. Invoices and receipts made out to third parties will not be accepted.
  6. Items purchased using LEP funding must remain in the State on a permanent basis. 


Closing Date Extended to Monday 10th February 9am.


If you have any queries, please email the Community Section at  lep2025@mayococo.ie or call 094 – 906 4660

Please read the LEP 2025 Application Guidelines for the Local Enhancement Programme before completing this form.



The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.