Return to Sport Small Grant Scheme 2023

Closed12 Apr, 2023, 10:00 - 12 May, 2023, 17:00

Mayo Sports Partnership launches 2023 Return to Sport Small Grant Scheme

With sporting clubs & groups fully returning to sport post pandemic Mayo Sports Partnership is delighted to announce details of its Sports Investment Scheme for 2023.

While the Pandemic has impacted hugely on sports clubs and organisations, many clubs are now looking to expand their activities, extending their reach within communities and providing much needed outlets to improve people health and wellbeing.  

The scheme, supported by Sport Ireland, has a total available fund of €85,000 which is categorized under 3 headings. Please review the criteria of all available funds 

  1. COVID 19 Support Fund (€50,000) – Available to clubs / organisations impacted by the pandemic who did not receive direct funding from their national governing body in 2023. Costs can include cleaning / hygiene, venue hire, equipment etc. ( Max amount per application €1500)
  2. Participation Fund (€25,000) -Invites clubs and organizations who have sport / recreation as their central focus to submit proposals which would return participants to sporting activities and/ or increase participation amongst disadvantaged groups of our population. (Max amount per application €1500)
  3. Volunteer Training / Education Fund (€10,000) – Coach Education and general volunteer training ie First Aid etc can be supported to a maximum of 50% of the total cost. Note: Excludes Safeguarding courses as these are already subsidized by the Partnership.

Since the scheme was established hundreds of initiatives have been assisted in communities across Mayo. The continued development of GAA, Soccer and Rugby for All in clubs has been supported with considerable awareness of the need to include people with a disability in all sports.

Mayo Sports Partnership Chairman Cllr Michael Loftus commented “Sports volunteers in every community across Mayo is doing outstanding work and we are delighted to be able to support them in whatever small way we can. We will continue to especially support initiatives that target increased participation in those hard to reach disadvantaged groups  ”.

Sports Partnership Head Charlie Lambert added: “ A big thank you to Sport Ireland for their continued support in making this funding available through Mayo Sports Partnership. With the assistance of Mayo County Council we would hope to be able to make these allocations, once approved by the Sports Partnership committee, in June 2023”.

Organisations / Groups are asked to note that any capital / building projects are not eligible for investment under the schemes criteria and clubs should refer to the governments sports capital programme, see . Other items such as ongoing costs for teams ie travel costs, competition costs, registration fees, sponsorship etc are also not eligible.    

Scheme Funding Criteria


Covid Restart Grant

Participation Grant


Training Grant

Who can apply

(a) Community Groups who deliver sport and physical activity programmes

(b) Sports Clubs affiliated to a National Governing Body of Sport (NGB’s)


(a) All Sporting Clubs affiliated with an NGB

(b) Community Groups who deliver sport and physical activity programmes

(a) All Sporting Groups affiliated with an NGB

(b) Community Groups who deliver sport and physical activity programmes

What can be applied for

Covid Restart Related Costs may include but are not limited to:



Covid Consumables

Sports equipment costs

Venue Hire

Costs associated with running a Participation Programme:

Promotion Costs

Coach /Tutor Costs

Venue Costs

Refreshment Costs

Once off events


Training / Coach Education Courses to upskill your volunteers

What CANNOT be applied for

Costs associated with running participation programme

Coach/Tutor Costs

Refreshments Costs

Travel/Transport Costs

Annual Operation Costs


Registration fees

Affiliation fees

Travel/Transport Costs

Sport Leader

Safe Guarding

(already supported through LSP)

Dates for which receipts can be used

Costs can include expenditure from September 2022- May 2023

Costs can include expenditure from January 2023 -  30 October 2023

Costs can include expenditure from January 2023 – 30 October 2023

Maximum fund available



Max Rate of 50% of course costs


Closing Date

12th May 2023 at 5pm

12th May 2023 at 5pm

No Closing Date

Please note that all applications are to be made online.  Closing date for is 5pm on Friday 12th May 2023, maximum allocation to any one project can be €1,500, this is dependent on meeting the criteria and overall quality of the initiative. The Mayo Sports Partnership committee will decide on all successful applications and its recommendations are final. If clubs / groups require assistance on the scheme email or phone the Sports Partnership office at 094-9064360.



The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.