Main requests

It is in reference to the comments mentioned in "your comment", noting policy objectives and ensuring consistency in supporting all renewable technologies while considering the international/national policy amendments that I ask for the following change in description for Site. “Claremorris Area Plan Opportunity Site:   To provide for the production of electricity by renewable energy technologies, incorporating wood Biomass only.  To provide for a mix of industries (with no production of wood chip or wood pellets on this site) or research and development facilities where it is established that there is a need to locate such uses, within, adjacent or in close proximity to the primary user of the site (i.e. for the production of electricity from renewable KTCS-22 (Opportunity Zoning) in Claremorris energy technologies, incorporating wood Biomass only) or where it is established that there is insufficient appropriately zoned lands to facilitate such uses” I ask the Mayo County Council to consider and include the following amendment:  “To provide for the production of electricity and/or heat by renewable energy technologies incorporating wood Biomass only and/or other existing and emerging renewable/green energy technologies deemed to be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.    To provide for a mix of industries (with no production of wood chip or wood pellets on this site) or research and development facilities where it is established that there is a need to locate such uses, within, adjacent or in close proximity to the primary user of the site (i.e. for the production of electricity and/or heat from renewable energy technologies, incorporating wood Biomass only and/or other existing and emerging renewable/green energy technologies deemed to be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area) or where it is established that there is insufficient appropriately zoned lands to facilitate such uses.”