Upgrade to pedestrian crossing at Bohernasup Roundabout

Unique Reference Number: 
Jonathan Flanagan
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Jonathan Flanagan

Cover Letter

Jonathan Flanagan, Resident of Bohernasup. Motivation for submission is that I see daily the struggles of pedestrians and motorists from my home which is situated directly in front of the Mini Roundabout.


Zebra Corssing, Tactile Paving and Issues With Mini Roundabout


The Pedestrian crossings are not to a satisfactory standard and is a hazard to pedestrians and motorists alike.

Zebra crossings are required as marked in the image below as these are high traffic areas for young, old, ambulant and disabled persons alike. I watch people daily including myself and the local residents crossing the road here which is difficult without appropriate signage and line markings as your relying on the coutreousy of drivers to cross the road. There has been no provisions been made to a high pedestrian and motorist trafficed area containing Lidl, Dunnes Stores and Tesco. There is a tactile surface required as noted in the image. There is a tactile surface one side of the road and not the other? Could a vision impaired and deaf person walk out on to the road here where marked not knowing of the dangers on front of them?

The Mini Roundabout is a disaster here. Daily I count atleast 10 near collisions if not morehere with motorists. This should return to a traffic lighted system as alot of drivers do not understand yielding right of way and just shoot through the roundabout.

These are of concern for myself and the local residents of Marian crescent, Bohernasupnd the wider Ballina community.



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