Ballina - Castlebar - Westport - Interurban Greenway - Public Consultation - Study Area - May 2024

Closed3 May, 2024, 12:00 - 17 May, 2024, 17:00

Introduction to the Project

Mayo County Council, in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport, are exploring the feasibility of an Interurban Greenway connecting Ballina, Castlebar and Westport.

The Ballina – Castlebar – Westport Interurban Greenway (BCWIG) Project aims to provide an attractive, safe and sustainable Interurban Greenway between the 3 largest settlements in Co. Mayo in line with governmental policy and will for part of the National Cycle Network.

BCWIG will act as a valuable corridor offering a healthy modal option for all users, providing enhanced access to the wider region, enticing users to explore its surrounding towns and villages and further develop both the commuter and tourism potential within the region, bringing benefits to the local economy.

What’s happening Now?

Mayo County Council have commissioned engineering design consultants, Barry Transportation, to progress the scheme development. The project is progressing in accordance with the TII Project Manager’s Manual for Greenway Projects and is currently at Phase 1 (Concept and Feasibility) having already successfully passed through Phase 0 (Scope and Pre-Appraisal) in 2023.

As part of Phase 1 (Concept and Feasibility), a Study Area has been identified and the project team are now in the process of identifying constraints that may influence option selection, and any key features or opportunities that would enhance the user experience.

Study Area, Constraints/Opportunities

The Study Area encompasses an area from Ballina to Castlebar to Westport. The total distance is circa. 50km. Existing infrastructure will be incorporated where available such as the Castlebar to Turlough Greenway.

The Constraints Study is the identifying of all the physical / artificial / engineering / natural elements within the study area which it is expected that options will be developed and examined.

The development of this greenway may present opportunity for new eco-tourism and active travel businesses to capitalise on the growing market, such as the development of bike tours, bike repair/ sales, walking tours and food and beverage retailers.

The considerations used to establish the study area are the:

 ▪ Overall scheme objectives.

 ▪ The “Five S” criteria – Scenic, Sustainable, Segregated, Offer Lots to See & Do, Strategic.

 ▪ Environmental Impacts.

 ▪ Engineering.

 ▪ Finance Considerations.

Ballina - Castlebar - Westport Interurban Greenway Study Area Map

Your Involvement – Public Consultation 1

Mayo County Council is now inviting all interested parties to participate in a non-statutory public consultation on the study area. The purpose of Public Consultation 1 is to bring information to the public on the project and to invite feedback on the current study area, the constraints identified and any other opportunities that the project team should consider. Your participation in this consultation is important and we would value any feedback which you think should be reviewed by the project team to help inform the development of the project.

Next Stages

The feedback and submissions received through this public consultation will be considered by the project team as part of Phase 1 (Concept and Feasibility) and will help to inform the development of the project.

The next step of the process involves the development of all reasonable options, which will then be subjected to an Options Assessment to identify and determine that there is at least one feasible option. A summary of the Options Assessment and recommended option(s) proposed for advancement to Phase 2 (Options Selection) will be prepared.

In Phase 2, a second period of non-statutory public consultation will be held, where the public will again be invited to make submissions and comment on the Proposed Options prior to a Preferred Option being identified.


Have Your Say

All project information is available at 

How to submit your feedback:

  • Completing the Feedback Questionnaire
  • At our Online Virtual Public Consultation
  • In writing to Mayo National Roads Office
  • Online at


All feedback should be returned to the Project Team before Friday 17th May 2024.

For Further Information please contact:

Mayo National Roads Office

Ballina - Castlebar - Westport Interurban Greenway Project Team:

Glenpark House | The Mall | Castlebar | County Mayo | F23 XF40

Engineering Design Consultants (Barry Transportation):

Unit 14C, N5 Business Park, Moneen Rd, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 YY39



7 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.


Would you use the Greenway?
Do you live or own property in the Study Area?
If yes please specify type of property?
If you have any information in relation to the study area or key constraints that you want the project team to be aware of please let us know?
What are the current barriers to you in terms of walking and cycling?