Unique Reference Number: 
Transport Infrastructure Ireland

Volume 3: Book of Maps

The Authority acknowledges and welcomes the close alignment of development plan zoning and settlement boundary designations with existing speed limits on the national road network contained in Draft Plan Volume III, including the Proposed Amendments; Section 2.11 of the DoECLG Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines refers.

However, it appears that one proposed zoning/development amendment in Claremorris (‘Rezone lands along the N60 from Agriculture to Strategic Residential Reserve Tier II’) adjoins the N60 at 100kph location, although it is noted that an alternative local road access may be available and should be clarified.

▪ In the interests of consistency with the application of official policy, TII recommends review of the proposed zoning amendment in Claremorris adjoining the N60 to ensure access to the subject lands can be facilitated in accordance with the provisions of official policy outlined in the DoECLG Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines.